A Mabon Reflection

This following was an introduction to Mabon ritual held on September 23, 2018. 

Tonight we gather to celebrate the second harvest sabbat, Mabon. We gather to celebrate the abundance of the harvest season. Summer has ended; Autumn is beginning. For many this is a time of thanksgiving, a time to recognize the blessings we have received.

Mabon is also a celebration of balance. This is the time of the autumn equinox. Day and night are of equal length. We are reminded that life is balance. As there is light, there is dark. As there is birth, there is also death. The year is a wheel; the earth warming in spring, growing in summer, dying in fall, and resting in winter. We celebrate life and the richness of the harvest while the earth is dying and growing cold. Now the Goddess is the full harvest mother, she is moving toward the dark mother, the Crone. Without the coming of the dark, the cold, and death, we cannot experience rebirth, warmth, and light.

We know that the dark is not a full death; it is not entropy.  The earth is merely entering it’s dormant period. We all must take time to rest and reflect on our blessings, challenges, and goals. It is natural to want to hold on to the light as long as we can, but the goddess teaches us that without the balance of light and dark, bitter and sweet, night and day, we cannot appreciate what we have.

Mabon is a time for reflection. What we sowed in dark of the earth in spring, has burst into the light and must now be gathered. It is a time to assess how things in our lives are going, what have our workings produced, and what are we needing. Tonight, reflect on what you have received and what you want the coming season to bring to you.


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